Monday, April 13, 2009


It really makes me mad when "tags" lie. I type in relaxing, new age music into youtube and I expect nothing less- instead what do I get ? Crazy Trance music

Music is so empowering when it's good though. It's the true thing. I'm in love with it. I love it so much that I can't wrap my arms all the way around it because it's like my heart's so big for it, this volume fills my lungs opening up my breath and mind and I my arms are just too short to take hold. This is how I feel sometimes when I try to compose anything. I start with one phrase and get carried away and then ideas clash. I've recorded a bit I enjoy but need to edit, sort through and then think of more. Lyric writing is an even bigger feet. Poetry came very easy to me before, so I'm thinking instead of finding words to fit the song, I'll just write something poem-like and maybe that will inspire.
There are two kinds of people that make me feel truly jealous and truly happy- skilled physicians and talented musicians. I think I'd like to be both someday.

I can't decide whom I would have rather have had an affair with, Chopin or Debussy. Liszt was probably the most interesting looking of all-his music is spectacular as well.

I also discovered today that the Kidneys are amazing little jelly beans. They help us filter about 180 L of blood a day. The way they do monitor this is the coolest thing. A section of the kidney actually convolutes and twists itself in this special way....picture a yoyo, and blood is coming in at the yoyo, then throughout the string filtration and re-absorption is taking place, well the yoyo string is twisting and looping, and at one point it connects back to the yoyo's head, dedecting how much salt is in your blood, and actually saying "hey! yoyo faster ! or don't yoyo so fast!!!"

weird. how did we get this way?

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